Del Maguey, Chichicapa, Mezcal, 750ml


Del Maguey, Chichicapa, Mezcal, 750ml


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SKU: 3851 Category:

Each Del Maguey single village mezcal is named for the village where it is made.

Chichicapa has a medium nose and a complex taste with lots of citrus and a long, smooth finish with overtones of mint. The pueblo elevation is 5052 ft. (1540 meters) in a broad valley with a desert and tropical micro-climate.

Del Maguey Chichicapa is twice distilled and unblended from 100% mature agave Espadin and is produced the original, 400-year-old hand-crafted way. Production is limited to exclusive quantities per year to preserve quality. There are no chemicals, colorings, or additives ever used in any Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal.

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