Canerock, Jamaican Spiced Rum, 750ml


Canerock, Jamaican Spiced Rum, 750ml


Made from traditional Jamaican rums infused with natural spices and aged in oak casks, Canerock Jamaican Spiced Rum has a rich and unique character with sweet vanilla notes, dry fruits and delicate oak tannins.

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SKU: 7906 Categories: ,

Long fermentations and traditional pot still distillation produces rums with an unmistakable “funky” profile.

Unique, traditional Jamaican methods give Canerock its distinctive character.

Canerock Jamaican Spiced Rum is a BLEND OF TRADITIONAL RUMS from two legendary distilleries that have defined Jamaican rum for centuries.

At their height in the 19th century, Jamaica’s rum distilleries numbered 140 and exported all over the globe. Only six distilleries remain today, each with its own style.

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