In 1664 the Bols family started with the production of genever. Genever was traditionally drunk straight and called ‘Dutch Courage’, during the Anglo-Dutch Wars. In the 19th century it played an important part in the rise of the cocktail in America, when one in four cocktails were made with Dutch genever, thanks to its smooth malty taste.
Bols Genever Original, 750ml
Bols Genever Original, 750ml
42% alc
Smooth malty flavor and apricot tones with a musky juniper hit. Made according to the superior Bols Genever recipe from 1820. Bols Genever Original is an award-winning classic cocktail spirit that combines the mixability of a white spirit and the complexity of a brown spirit. Genever is technically not gin but shares the trademark juniper flavor and can be used similarly. It is like a marriage between gin and whisky.
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SKU: 4604
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