Lana, Tequila Reposado, 750ml


Lana, Tequila Reposado, 750ml


40% alc.

Lana Tequila Reposado – an accolade to Lana Blanco and the grandiosity of American Oak. Rested for five months, a fusion matured in wood. The essence of agave, sun-kissed hay tones, with hints of amber and gold.  Lana Tequila Reposado unfolds its richest nuances after a 20-minute repose in the glass at 64.4°F (18°C). Crafted for high-end cocktails or to be savored pure and on the rocks.


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10% Discount on Purchases of 12 or More Bottles of Wine or Liquor
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SKU: 10324 Category:

The name of Lana is an abridgment of Agave Tequilana, the botanical name for Blue Weber Agave, the paramount ingredient in ultra-luxury Tequila. Lana is an avatar for Agave forward, natural, and ultra-smooth Tequila. An essential ambassador to the ultra luxury Tequila category. Lana products embody sophistication and elegance always with a memorable note. Lana is a touchstone for artistry and creativity – a source of inspiration.

Lana Tequila has been honored by the esteemed San Francisco World Spirits Competition and the Beverage Testing Institute with their highest accolades. A timeless experience of supreme quality, where tradition and modernity mirrors the depth of its character. Crowned by nature herself, each bottle displays a unique cap of natural gemstone, exquisitely handcrafted from marble and onyx.

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