Tequila Ocho, Plata, Puntas 750ml


Tequila Ocho, Plata, Puntas 750ml


Tequila Ocho Puntas is a remarkable journey of innovation in high proof tequila. By taking a highly selective “cut” at the early stages of their second distillation, their Master Distiller creates a very limited quantity of an exceptional spirit rich in flavor and high in alcoholic proof.

In other agave spirits, the “Puntas” have long been considered the most coveted part of the distillate and are traditionally set aside to be enjoyed with friends and family on special occasions.

54% alc.

6 in stock

10% Discount on Purchases of 12 or More Bottles of Wine or Liquor
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SKU: 1396 Category:

Tequila Ocho’s story begins in 2008, when two men with a love for agave spirits came together with the single goal of proving the concept of terroir exists in tequila, inspired by the heritage and process surrounding fine wine. The famed Carlos Camarena, a fifth-generation farmer and third-generation tequilero teamed up with Tomas Estes, the man responsible for bringing tequila culture to Europe. Together, they developed a tequila that is the purest expression of the Blue Weber Agave; thus, Tequila Ocho was born.

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